Patrick Desjardins Blog
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How to handle multiple global constants in an application

Posted on: 2012-10-22

The best way to have something organized and having constants in a single place is to have a class that will have inner class. This way, you can organize by theme your constants.

public static class GlobalConstants { 
  public static class Division1 { 
    public const string Const1 = "123"; 
    public const string Const2 = "qwe"; 
    public const string Const3 = "asdfgh";

  public static class Division2 { 
    public const string Const1 = "123"; 

Of course, it's always better to have your constant in the class that they are more related. For example, the default value for a specific property of a class should be directly inside this class. But, for global constants that are used across the application, than having a global constants class can do the job.