Patrick Desjardins Blog
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Slider Binding Miminum, Maximum and Value problem

Posted on: 2011-10-11

The Slider is a component that let you slide a small rectangle from one side to the other. You have to put a minimum value and a maximum value and from there, the user can select a value between these two values.

One interesting thing to do is to rely on the business logic to handle all values of this control. This can be done using Binding.

 <Slider SmallChange="{Binding SmallChange, Mode=OneTime}" LargeChange="{Binding LargeChange, Mode=OneTime}" Value="{Binding MyRealValue, Mode=TwoWay}" Minimum="{Binding Minimum, Mode=OneTime}" Maximum="{Binding Maximum, Mode=OneTime}" /> 

The code above won't work. The syntax is well written, but it won't work. The code will compile but the slider won't be able to slide.

<Slider SmallChange="{Binding SmallChange, Mode=OneTime}" 
  LargeChange="{Binding LargeChange, Mode=OneTime}" 
  Maximum="{Binding Maximum, Mode=OneTime}" 
  Minimum="{Binding Minimum, Mode=OneTime}" 
  Value="{Binding MyRealValue, Mode=TwoWay}" 

This code works because the Maximum value is the first to be set, then the Minimum and finally the Value is binded. Doing the binding in a different order won't let you modify the values of the slider.

Remember to always use maximum, minimum and then value when using the Slider. This is viable for Silverlight 3 and 4.