Patrick Desjardins Blog
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SolidJS: How to Execute Code When UnMounting or when an Effect Ends

Posted on: 2022-03-10

I'll cover two scenarios here:

  1. You want to execute code when your component is unmounted
  2. You want to execute code when an effect is completed


In React, unmounting code was once upon a time the job of a dedicated method of the component class componentWillUnmount. With React Hooks, the unmounting moved into a function returned by an effect that is executed when mounting. It means that the useEffect does have an empty array of dependencies. In SolidJS, the useEffect does not exist. It is replaced with createEffect and it does not have a return value. Instead, we must add inside the createEffect an onCleanup function that will be executed when the component is removed from the DOM.

A short example is when a value changes from 1 that the component is not rendered anymore, but null is passed.

const ChildToUnMount = () => {
  onCleanup(() => {
    console.log("ChildToUnMount UnMounted");
  return <div>UnMount Me Please</div>;

The component has a straightforward onCleanup function executed only when the parent component removes it from the render function. For example:

const App: Component = () => {
  const [val, setVal] = createSignal(0);
  return (
      {val() === 0 ? <ChildToUnMount /> : null}
        onclick={() => {
          setVal((p) => p + 1);

Let's explore the second case, which will solidify this first example.


If you are coming from React Hooks and use useEffect, you know that returning a function means that the function is executed once the effect is completed.

Comparison with React

Let's first establish the situation with React. The useEffect in React is executed after the DOM is updated. If you used React before Hooks, it would have been at the componentDidMount or once mounted at every update with componentDidUpdate. So, useEffect runs after each render. You can have the same code directly inside your React Hooks, but that would block the render because it is sequential (top to bottom) while rendering. With the useEffect, the rendering occurs, and then the effects are called.

There is a possibility to return a function in each effect. The function runs when you need to clean up. It is similar to the componentWillUnmount but runs every time the render is about to start again. It allows cleaning up some data before a new render, with new data (new state or props) occurs.

You can visualize the flow being: Mount -> clean effect -> render -> effect

With SolidJS, it is a little bit different. There is no function to return to the createEffect. Instead, you must use the onCleanup function that you can put directly inside your component or inside a createEffect depending on if you want the cleanup to occur during unmounting or before a new render. Here is an example that illustrates the pipeline of events.

import { Component, createEffect, createSignal, onCleanup } from "solid-js";
import { render } from "solid-js/web";
export interface ChildProps {
  val: number;
const Child = (props: ChildProps) => {
  console.log("During render");
  createEffect(() => {
    console.log("CreateEffect", props.val);
    onCleanup(() => {
      console.log("CreateEffect Cleanup");
  return <div>Value is: {props.val}</div>;
const App: Component = () => {
  const [val, setVal] = createSignal(0);
  return (
      <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
      <Child val={val()} />
        onclick={() => {
          setVal((p) => p + 1);

render(() => <App />, document.getElementById("app"));

The logs output this way:

During render 
CreateEffect Cleanup 
CreateEffect Cleanup 
CreateEffect Cleanup 

We can see that the first log is the one in the function, this is the first render. Because SolidJS does not render the function on properties or state change, it is expected. The DOM is changed with the correct value because {props.val} difference makes the DOM change. Concerning the other logs, we can see that the first CreateEffect 0 is output before pushing the button. IT means that after the first rendering, the DOM is changed, and the effect is called.

Then, if we click the button once, we see the CreateEffect Cleanup, which is the onCleanup function of the Child. That is expected. Then, we see the CreateEffect 1 as the DOM renders the value 1.


You can see both examples in the following interactive What is important to remember is that SolidJS provides access for your to have custom code when a component is removed from the DOM or when a component is about to run a new effect. Both rely on the onCleanup. The point to keep in mind is to remember that there is a before and after the DOM is changed. The "DOM is changed" is important because it is different from "the render executed." The onCleanup allows you to inject custom code before the DOM is changed, the remaining of the component code (render) is executed, and then, there is a possibility to have an injection of code after the DOM is rendered.